Hair Relaxing Products Linked to Cancer

Get maximum compensation!

If you (or a loved one) have used a hair straightener or relaxer product and have since developed cancer, you may qualify for this massive multi-billion dollar settlement.

Get your FREE Claim Estimate

Case Compensation Inquiry

Did you use chemical hair relaxer / straightener products?

Either you or a loved one


What brand of product was used?

Please note, the accident needs to have been within the last 2 years.


How long did you use these products?

Usage being more than 4 times per year

1-4 Years
4 Years or more

Were you diagnosed with a uterine cancer or ovarian cancer type?


Did you have surgery related to this diagnosis?

Please choose "Yes" if the cancer was too advanced for surgery


What year were you diagnosed?

Please use a 4 digit year. Example: 2004


Do you already have an attorney working on your case?

We can only help you if you DO NOT have an attorney.

No, I need an attorney

Great! We can help.

Please complete the contact form below. We'll have an attorney assigned to your case and reach out to you shortly.

Please Contact Me

Sorry we cannot help you.

You need to have been a user of hair relaxer / straightener products in order for us to work with you.

If you made a mistake, please go back and try again.

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Thank You!

You will be contacted shortly to further review your case.

Please be ready to answer our call and answer any additional questions. If now is not a good time, please let the agent know and we will reschedule.

Diagnosed with cancer?

Serious Risks Linked to Hair Straighteners

According to a recent study conducted by the National Institute of Environmental Health & Sciences, a significant connection has been established between certain chemicals found in numerous hair relaxing and straightening products and various types of cancer.

The study identifies harmful components present in these products, which the research links directly to the development of cancer.

Ready to review your case?

If you've been diagnosed with cancer and think you deserve compensation, fill out our quick questionnaire to get in touch with a qualified attorney.

The Process

What Can I Expect To Happen?

A legal representative will review your case and ask you questions about the product that caused your illness.

The represntative will evaluate your claim, discuss your legal options with you and identify resources that can help you or your loved ones.

Filing a lawsuit can help you pay for medical treatment, recover lost wages and ease your pain and suffering. Get help taking legal action from qualified lawyers.

Commonly Asked Questions

What kinds of settlements have occured?

The average hair relaxer cancer settlement per person ranges from $100,000 to $1,500,000 depending on the severity of the injuries and the strength of their cases. You may also be entitled to several other types of compensation if you meet the criteria for a lawsuit.

How much do I have to pay?

Nothing. Your initial case evaluation is fee. After that, any additional legal fees will come from your settlement, if you win. If not, there is no cost to you.

Who might be affected?

One of the longest studies in this area was conducted by Boston University's Black Women's Health Study, spanning a 25-year period and monitoring 59,000 self-identified black women. Their research discovered that women who used hair products containing lye at least seven times a year were approximately 30% more likely to develop cancer compared to those who used them less frequently.

How long will this process take?

The time it takes to settle a car accident case can vary greatly, depending on a variety of factors including the complexity of the case, the severity of injuries, whether a lawsuit is filed, the types of damages sought, and more. Settlements can be as quick as three months or as long as a few years.

Ready to review your case?

If you've been diagnosed with cancer and think you deserve compensation, fill out our quick questionnaire to get in touch with a qualified attorney.

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